4 Tricks to Seal the Deal With Instagram Marketing for Your Ecommerce Business

Ecommerce business owners are at risk with social media marketing. Especially, with Instagram which has the highest engagement and open rate. It’s because Instagram is constantly evolving and updating its algorithms. That means if you get more exposure today, your sales might drop to half the next week.

Despite this, a few brands stay in the game for long. What do these Ecommerce brands do that you don’t? Let’s find out the simple ways to win the game of Instagram marketing for your business.

1. Optimize your profile with keywords

If you’ve searched for a phrase on Instagram, the platform displays all the relevant information you’re looking for. This is possible only by including appropriate keywords in your Bio or content. With Instagram’s new search update, optimizing your page with keywords might be the right way to attract new visitors.

2. Use Instagram Stories generously

Product pictures, influencers, and employee engagement are great ways to show off your brand personality. However, customers take you more seriously when you show them what you do and how you do it. Use the ‘’stories’’ option to highlight the personal side of your brand. You could do this through:

  • Showing product uses for your customers
  • Sharing user-generated content
  • Sharing moments from brand events
  • Using stickers like polls to engage your audience
  • Asking for takeovers

PS: Got a story that deserves more than a 24-hour lifespan? Save it to your highlights.

The possibilities with Instagram stories are endless. Ideally, sharing enough to keep your audience informed and entertained is a wise choice.

3. Take Instagram Ads seriously

Experimenting is a fine way to know what works for your brand. However, be cautious not to overdo it. Selling your products through Instagram takes time and patience. Especially, with the updates on the platform, choose the type of ad that best suits your goals. For example, if you’re looking to generate traffic, go with the ‘stories ads’ option. Similarly, if you want more sales, choose the ‘Collections ads’ option. Mix up and see what works best for your brand.

4. Create a mixture of content

While some brands are great at one type of content creation, successful brands mix up and present unique content. Whether it’s a creepy boomerang or a funny story, never be afraid to try it all. You could also collaborate with influencers for better reach and engagement.

Final Words

With Instagram marketing, closing sales is as easy as opening an account on the platform. It’s true only when you know the right strategies to make it a success. Implement the 4 tactics and see the results. However, if you’re still stuck, we’re here to help. At HOD, we make your branding on Instagram stand out through effective strategies. Solutions that increase your brand visibility, awareness, and engagement in lesser time.

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