How to Use TikTok Advertising For Your Brand in 2021?

Launched in the year 2017, Tiktok has crossed a whopping 1 billion active users. This means your brand can thrive on this platform reaching millions of people at once. Especially, if your target audience is Gen-Z and millennials.

Popular brands on TikTok never got famous by posting simple videos. They were creative and adaptive to the current trends. Becoming a Tiktok brand is a fine way to increase brand awareness and sales. Spending tons of money on ads isn’t enough. You need to know your options before choosing an ad type.

What are your options?

The first step to getting started on Tiktok is to create an advertising account and set up payment details. Once you do that, you’ll have a variety of options to choose from.

  • In-feed video: Ads show up on the native news feed.
  • Hashtag challenge: Ads show up on the discovery page. These types of ads mostly use user-generated content.
  • AR content: Ads appear as branded stickers, lenses, and more.
  • Influencer package: Ads become a part of the sponsored content.

How much should you expect to pay?

Tiktok advertising cost starts at $10/in-feed videos and extends to $150,000/week for hashtag challenge and beyond. Nevertheless, if you’re looking for less expensive ways to build your brand on the platform, choose the short native video ads. In general, TikTok is more expensive than Facebook and Instagram. But, it’s worth it because the results show up quickly and increase sales.

Why are Bidding and optimization important?

TikTok’s ad structure is – campaigns, ad groups, and ads. TikTok allows you to set up campaign budgets, choose a target audience, and objectives. What it doesn’t do is display your ads when and where you want them. It’s because the platform’s algorithms are updated frequently and hence, TikTok determines where and when your ads are viewed.

For this reason, bidding and optimizing your ads is an important step. Optimize your ads for conversions, clicks, and reach. You can set your own as opposed to the default option. This gives you more room to reach a wider audience. Additionally, activate smart optimization that optimizes conversion events and sets smart deliveries for your ads.

What should you know before you use Tiktok ads to promote products?

TikTok is an intuitive platform and setting up your profile is easy. However, if you’re new to the market, here are a few basic steps that you need to remember before advertising.

Use Hashtags Wisely
Start by researching in your niche and make a definitive list of hashtags. Take advantage of the ‘Discover’ option that lets you see trending hashtags on the platform. Incorporate at least 3-4 hashtags in your posts.

Create a Unique Brand profile
When you sign up, choose the Pro option for your profile. This gives you access to analytics and data like insights into who’s watching your videos and more which will set your brand apart from the millions on the platform. Furthermore, use branded face filters which allow users to add it to their own accounts. Also, the ads are live for up to 10 days.

Add viral music
There’s no TikTok without viral music. Add popular audio to a meme, video, or anything that you create. People are crazy over music references and it’ll uplift your ad performance instantly.

TikTok can be confusing and intimidating to startups and traditional brands. To make your journey easier, we have already done the work for you. At HOD, we not only create your profile and manage your ads but use industry data to promote your visibility.

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