Ecommerce Email Marketing For 2022

Running an ecommerce business comes with it’s own challenges. Without an email marketing strategy in place, it is really difficult to build long term relationships with your customers. If you want to know how to grow your ecommerce sales through email marketing, we’ve got you covered.

Email marketing ideas for ecommerce owners

Welcome aboard

The whole purpose of your subscribers signing up for your newsletter is to hear from you. And what better way to create a good first impression other than sending a personalized welcome email? You might be surprised to know that welcome emails have a higher open rate than other email campaigns. So why would you want to waste this golden opportunity? Create a dazzling first impression with beautifully designed welcome emails.

Did You Know?
Welcome emails have 91.43% open rate and their click through rates are 5 times higher than other email campaigns (Source)

It’s raining deals

You might receive tons of discount emails everyday but end up opening only a few of them. Imagine you receive a discount code from your favourite store on a product that you’ve been eyeing at the exact price that you’re willing to pay. You’d probably jump into that deal immediately, right? That is exactly what you need to do with your email subscribers. A personalized discount email is a great way to stand out among a sea of emails. By giving your audience what they want, you’re drastically increasing their chances of buying from you.

Knock, knock

Your customers might add items to their shopping cart, change their mind all of a sudden and leave your site abruptly. The biggest problem with ecommerce sales are those innumerable lonely carts that never made it to check out. What if we say that we know a way to fix this? With abandoned cart emails, you can remind your customers that they’ve left items in their shopping cart and pursue them to purchase. You can do this by warning them to act fast since their cart items are at the verge of being sold out or by including exclusive coupon codes along with your emails.

Up-selling and cross-selling your products

It is no rocket science that it is much easier to sell to an existing customer than to a new one. Why is it so? Your existing customers know and trust your brand which makes it easier to convince them. Once your customer has made a purchase, you can send additional products that they might be interested in based on their purchase. For example – Popular sites like Amazon cross-sell by sending ‘Frequently Bought Together’ emails based on our last purchase. When it comes to up-selling, all you need to do is to convince your customer to purchase a better product like an advanced or upgraded product etc. by educating them about it’s benefits.

Holiday season is here

Is there a better time to market your products than during the holiday season? Be it Christmas, Valentine’s Day or Mother’s Day, there’s always a holiday around the corner waiting for you to take advantage of. Curate unique products and email campaigns based on the festivals and share them with your customers. You can even take your seasonal campaigns a notch higher by offering holiday gift guides and subtly promoting your products.

Email marketing is full of possibilities with new opportunities for the growth of your business. Need an email marketing strategy for your ecommerce store? Click here to know more about what we do in ecommerce.

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