8 Common SEO Myths and facts you should know in 2023

Over a century of combined SEO experience, and yet, we didn’t get it right!

While the need for SEO continues to rise, some of the most common SEO myths still persist in the marketing sector even today. With changes to the Google algorithm and the development of effective best practices, marketers still need help understanding what works and what doesn’t.

SEO myths are the primary reason that, despite their best efforts, most organizations fail to attract the right target audience. To help you stay on track with your SEO strategy, here are 8 SEO myths busted to keep you on track:

1. Repeating keywords is all there is to SEO!

Marketers, you must hear this the most because, for a non-expert, SEO is all about repeating specific keywords in content several times in order to be noticed. And, all too often, that is all one thinks about SEO. But this is a myth that is only partially true!

The SEO process entails much more than simply including the right keywords or repeating specific trending keywords in the content. Keyword bidding and optimization are only a small part of the SEO process. Simply repeating keywords will not guarantee instant success, because search engines no longer use search keywords to rank pages.

You are ranked based on the freshness (how recent your content is), relevance (determined by keywords and successful page hits), and authority of your content (determined by backlinks and recommendations from authoritative domains).

2. SEO is a one-time activity

One of the primary reasons why most SEO processes fail is that organizations view it as a one-time event. They also expect immediate results. The SEO process is more than just one-time optimization; it necessitates ongoing updates and reworks to ensure you’re on the right track.

To get the best results, SEO requires constant monitoring and updating of the content as well as the right keywords. The consistent effort pays off, and while one-time optimization may or may not work, it can never replicate the consistent and long-term benefits that can be obtained by looking at SEO on a regular basis.

3. SEO is all about the ranking

It is true that the user won’t slog through several pages; instead, they are more likely to change their search phrase or click on the first few results. As a result, the industry is flooded with marketers who promise to rank your page and make it the ultimate SEO objective. Spoiler alert: achieving a higher ranking does not necessarily result in an increase in search traffic.

Higher ranks will draw attention to you, but how likely people are to click on your link depends entirely on how effectively you employ meta descriptions, titles, snippets, etc. A higher position demonstrates excellent keyword research and attention to detail, which will keep your target audience from just skipping over you.

4. Guest blogging is dead

By enlisting specialists to write content for your website, guest blogging aims to draw attention to your blog. As it is promoted by both you and the guest blogger, this partnership typically aids in giving your business more credibility and visibility. And guest blogging is still effective today!

The SEO myth is widespread because a few professionals actually think it is true, however, that is not the case. Relevance, originality, and authority of the guest blog, on the other hand, do have an effect. In the past, a number of SEO gurus exploited guest posting to indirectly boost each other’s rankings, however, this strategy is no longer effective. Make high-quality material for guest blogs that actually connect with the audience.

5. The home page should have a lot of content to be ranked higher

A persistent SEO misconception that needs to be dispelled before we all end up building confusing, voluminous home pages. Too much content on the homepage won’t produce the desired effects and could result in greater bounce rates because visitors won’t engage with your website, which is the standard these days with landing pages and simpler home pages.

Instead of beginning with the homepage, concentrate on optimizing each individual page of the website to get the appropriate audience right to the page. By following this approach, you can make sure that your target audience discovers the pertinent content immediately, which will increase the likelihood that they will convert.

6. More the pages on your website, the higher your ranking

Similar to the previous SEO myth, there is a misconception that having several pages is the best way to go. While it is crucial to break up content to guarantee relevancy, creating too many pages will not enhance rankings. Contrary to popular belief, the search engine does not recommend websites with more than one or two pages. In the end, everything comes down to how relevant and distinctive your material is.

7. Paid search will improve your organic search automatically

Paid search and keyword bidding are excellent techniques to increase your visibility and connect with your target market. However, the organic results are not impacted by paid search. A search engine separates and displays organic search results and sponsored search results in different areas.

Use sponsored search to evaluate click-through rates and gain insight into how to improve your keywords for the best possible organic search results rather than relying solely on it.

8. Longer content on the page has more value than shorter content

And finally, having a lot of content on your website won’t help it rank higher or draw in more visitors. The majority of businesses are unaware that the goal is to attract customers rather than just rank well in search results. Additionally, too much content will undermine the entire endeavor in a world where people’s attention spans are shortening.

Try to generate specialized, direct content rather than concentrate on producing an abundance of material with an excessive number of keywords. The correct Call-To-Action will increase conversions and enhance both the user experience and your conversion rate.


SEO misconceptions abound, and understanding them is critical to developing an efficient and effective SEO strategy. Ensure you are on the right track with the industry’s best practices and gain digital marketing services like SEO services,SEM & PPC marketing services, and SEO leads services with the right agency like us to add value to your brand. Start growing organically while we can help you steer clear of the myths!

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