Wishlists – An untapped customer engagement tool

We have a bleak memory in our everyday lives: Forgetting to switch off the lights, lock the doors, or misplacing the car keys. But, what if we had a reminder for every little activity? Wishlists are the new reminders in the Ecommerce game.

They have a huge potential to tap into your customers’ interests and effortlessly seal the deal.
When you add a wishlist to your store, you help customers gather their favorite products in a single place. Additionally, you gain an upper hand with your E-commerce marketing strategies. Let’s learn how wishlists help your business.

Keeps customers close

Often, customers want to buy a product at a later date but don’t know how. Wishlists allow the shoppers to remember your store and come back for more in the future. This is because, to access wishlists, the users are willing to sign up for an account. This way, you can have their information to send out drip email campaigns in the future.

Gives them creative options

When your customers don’t know what to buy for occasions, they can simply send out the Wish list to their friends and family. Wishlists provide a shopping experience like no other because it allows the customers to involve their loved ones. However, for a seamless experience, don’t forget to add a share button on the page.

Flows with the latest trends

Wishlists tell you so much about a customer. Their way of thinking, their likes, and more. When you compile the data from different customers, you get a whole new picture of marketing and merchandising. Also, you can easily track your best-performing products since you’ll know what ends in your customers’ wishlists.

Provides room for education

When customers create an account for wishlists, they receive product updates and reminders about the items in the lists. Whether they saved it for a future wedding or a pet that will arrive later, sending out emails is a sure-fire way to keep them educated and engaged.

Reminds about the sale and stock

When an item is back in stock, a clean-looking email is all it takes for them to hurry back to your store to complete the purchase. Apart from that, you can notify them about the items on sale. These are proven marketing strategies that have worked in the past for brands like yours.

Wrapping up

Wishlists is a great tool to engage your customers and provide them with a terrific shopping experience. It lets you re-engage with the lost customers, convert more, and make up with the disappointed customers. Wishlists uplevel your E-commerce marketing and lets you keep your customers close. If you’re unsure where to begin, get in touch with us here.

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